Binge eating is a pattern of disorder which consists of uncontrollable eating. Binge eaters often eat even when they are hungry and continue to consumption of foods long after they full. The symptoms of binge eating usually start from early childhood. A binge eating lasts for two hours. The term Binge Eating Disorder refers the similar binge eating behavior without nocturnal aspect. Binge eating disorder leads to unwanted weight gain or obesity.

Prevention of binge eating

Binge eating disorder can be successfully prevented by therapy. Therapy can teach us how to fight with binge eating, unhealthy habits for newer healthy ones, monitor our eating and moods, and develop effective stress-busting skills.


In the past 4 months, one of my friend Tom has binged on food at least 12 times. He hate that he does it and always feel guilty after, but something inside he compels his to do this. Well, my friend Tom is not alone, about 3% of the US population does this, and qualifies for the diagnosis of Binge Eating Disorder (BED). The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease shown us that as many as half of all binge eating patients have a history of depression!  When we binge eat, we gain weight. So we feel out of control with our eating, we gain weight and get depressed over our body shape and weight.

Here are helpful tips to help stop those binges.

Therapy to prevent binge eating disorder

Cognitive-behavioral therapy

It focuses on the dysfunctional thoughts and behaviors for in binge eating. One of the main goals is for you to become more self-aware of how you use food to overcome the emotions. The therapist will help you to recognize your binge eating triggers and teach how to avoid or fight with them. From Cognitive-behavioral therapy we can know about nutrition, healthy weight loss, and relaxation techniques.

Interpersonal psychotherapy

It focuses on the relationship problems and interpersonal issues that can prevent the binge eating. A therapist will help us improve our communication skills and develop healthier relationships with family members and friends.

Dialectical behavior therapy

It combines cognitive-behavioral techniques with meditation. This therapy is based on teaching binge eaters how to accept themselves, and how to tolerate stress in a better way. A therapist will advice you unhealthy attitudes you may have about healthy eating, body shape , and  body weight.

Support for  preventing binge eating disorder

Group therapy

Group therapy sessions are organized by a psychotherapist, and may discuss everything from healthy eating to coping with the binge eating disorder  .

Support groups

Support groups for binge eating are led by trained volunteers or health professionals. Group members give and give advice and support each other.

Medications to prevent binge eating disorder


The drug Topamax, may decrease binge eating disorder and also help us to increase weight loss. This medicine can cause some side effects such as dizziness, and burning sensations, so before take it you should consult your doctor.


Studies have shown that antidepressants may decrease the range of binge eating disorder.


Binge eating disorder is the most common hidden eating disorder in all over world mainly United State. It should be prevented. In order to prevent the binge eating disorder we should tell our friends or relatives who are binge eater to go to heath professional, nutritionist etc Binge eaters are  feeling bad, so we should try to hear their words without making any judgment. We should tell them to consume healthy balanced diet and do yoga.